Circinate Balanitis, Balanitis Tratamiento, Balanitis Sintomas

Balanitis means we have inflammation of the glans penis (Circinate balanitis or balanitis glande). A couple of other quick definitions before we jump into this topic posthitis means we have inflammation of the prepuce and balanoposthitis means we have inflammation of the glans and of the prepuce. Now posthitis and balanoposthitis is only going to be seen in uncircumcised males. Balanitis can be seen in both uncircumcised and in circumcised males.

For the most part in clinical practice everything is kind of clumped together into the term balanitis which means we have inflammation of the glans and of the foreskin. Now we have to keep in mind and we have to remember the normal physiology of the child. If the child is uncircumcised it's very normal to have a physiological phimosis. Phimosis means that we can't retract the foreskin back over the glans. This is normal we have adhesions that attach these foreskin to the glans early in life.

You can read the detailed information on balanitis here...
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>> Learn more about <a href="">Balanitis here...</a>


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